
My First Post

When I was getting ready to post this, my very first blog post, I searched for lists of famous firsts. That got me to thinking, there are lots of famous firsts, but not so many famous lasts. There are lots of lasts out there I'd like to see - a last injustice, a last war, a last car accident, a last murder. I suppose that's just not the way the world works. Anyway, I hope there won't be a last post anytime soon, but right now I'm just going to get through the first one.

Usually you start an essay with a statement of premise, but most of what I will cover is outlined in my "About Me..." section. For the next couple of weeks you will probably see lots about my vegetable garden. It's the time of year when gardens need a lot of work to get going and since mine is brand new it is taking a bit of work. And usually I am the black thumb of death girl, so it's exciting to actually have things growing for me.

Other than that, there's not much to cover in this first post, so I will just ask you to please drop by often and drop me a line if you have any questions or gardening advice!

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